greenland <-
country = "greenland",
returnclass = "sf",
scale = "medium"
# Find a proper projection
proj <- as.numeric(crsuggest::suggest_crs(greenland)$crs_code[1])
#> [1] 5922
When plotting spatial data, such as a geographical map, maintaining a proper aspect ratio is important. Whereas knitr::plot_crop()
works fine to crop a file, how can we do the same operation for a figure inside an R Markdown or a Quarto document? Thanks to knitr
, this can be done with a hook.
I will use the polygon of Greenland to illustrate the issue.
If we plot the map, we can see that there are white spaces around the image to keep the proper aspect ratio. This is not a problem per se, but one might be interested to fill up the ploting area with the actual plot.
```{r plot-original}
greenland |>
ggplot() +
geom_sf(size = 0.25) +
coord_sf(crs = proj) +
plot.background = element_rect(fill = "#3c3c3c"),
panel.border = element_rect(color = "red", fill = NA),
panel.grid = element_blank(),
panel.background = element_rect(fill = "#3c3c3c", color = "red"),
axis.text = element_blank(),
axis.ticks = element_blank()
Now, I will create a hook named crop
that is associated with the knitr::hook_pdfcrop()
knitr::knit_hooks$set(crop = knitr::hook_pdfcrop)
Note that the magick package and probably the underlying system library need to be installed on your system to crop images.
With that, we can use crop: true
in a code chunk to call it and crop the displayed graph.
```{r plot-cropped}
#| crop: true
greenland |>
ggplot() +
geom_sf(size = 0.25) +
coord_sf(crs = proj) +
plot.background = element_rect(fill = "#3c3c3c"),
panel.border = element_rect(color = "red", fill = NA),
panel.grid = element_blank(),
panel.background = element_rect(fill = "#3c3c3c", color = "red"),
axis.text = element_blank(),
axis.ticks = element_blank()
Voilà 👍, no more borders around the image.
Session info
#> ─ Session info ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> setting value
#> version R version 4.4.0 (2024-04-24)
#> os Linux Mint 21.3
#> system x86_64, linux-gnu
#> ui X11
#> language en_CA:en
#> collate en_CA.UTF-8
#> ctype en_CA.UTF-8
#> tz America/Montreal
#> date 2024-05-03
#> pandoc @ /usr/bin/ (via rmarkdown)
#> ─ Packages ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> ! package * version date (UTC) lib source
#> P base64enc 0.1-3 2015-07-28 [?] RSPM
#> P cachem 1.0.8 2023-05-01 [?] RSPM
#> P class 7.3-22 2023-05-03 [?] CRAN (R 4.3.1)
#> P classInt 0.4-10 2023-09-05 [?] RSPM
#> P cli 3.6.2 2023-12-11 [?] RSPM
#> P codetools 0.2-19 2023-02-01 [?] CRAN (R 4.2.2)
#> P colorspace 2.1-0 2023-01-23 [?] RSPM
#> P crosstalk 1.2.1 2023-11-23 [?] RSPM
#> P crsuggest 0.4 2022-07-06 [?] RSPM
#> P DBI 1.2.2 2024-02-16 [?] RSPM
#> P devtools 2.4.5 2022-10-11 [?] RSPM (R 4.4.0)
#> P digest 0.6.35 2024-03-11 [?] RSPM
#> P dplyr 1.1.4 2023-11-17 [?] RSPM
#> P e1071 1.7-14 2023-12-06 [?] RSPM
#> P ellipsis 0.3.2 2021-04-29 [?] RSPM
#> P evaluate 0.23 2023-11-01 [?] RSPM
#> P extrafont 0.19 2023-01-18 [?] RSPM
#> P extrafontdb 1.0 2012-06-11 [?] RSPM
#> P fansi 1.0.6 2023-12-08 [?] RSPM
#> P farver 2.1.1 2022-07-06 [?] RSPM
#> P fastmap 1.1.1 2023-02-24 [?] RSPM
#> P fs 1.6.4 2024-04-25 [?] CRAN (R 4.4.0)
#> P generics 0.1.3 2022-07-05 [?] RSPM
#> P ggplot2 * 3.5.1 2024-04-23 [?] RSPM
#> P ggpmthemes * 0.0.2 2024-04-25 [?] Github (pmassicotte/ggpmthemes@993d61e)
#> P glue 1.7.0 2024-01-09 [?] RSPM
#> P gtable 0.3.5 2024-04-22 [?] RSPM
#> P htmltools 2024-04-04 [?] RSPM
#> P htmlwidgets 1.6.4 2023-12-06 [?] RSPM
#> P httpuv 1.6.15 2024-03-26 [?] RSPM
#> P httr 1.4.7 2023-08-15 [?] RSPM
#> P jsonlite 1.8.8 2023-12-04 [?] RSPM
#> P KernSmooth 2.23-22 2023-07-10 [?] CRAN (R 4.3.1)
#> P knitr 1.46 2024-04-06 [?] RSPM
#> P later 1.3.2 2023-12-06 [?] RSPM
#> P lattice 0.22-6 2024-03-20 [?] RSPM (R 4.4.0)
#> P leafem 0.2.3 2023-09-17 [?] RSPM
#> P leaflet 2.2.2 2024-03-26 [?] RSPM
#> P lifecycle 1.0.4 2023-11-07 [?] RSPM
#> P magick * 2.8.3 2024-02-18 [?] RSPM
#> P magrittr 2.0.3 2022-03-30 [?] RSPM
#> P mapview 2.11.2 2023-10-13 [?] RSPM
#> P memoise 2.0.1 2021-11-26 [?] RSPM
#> P mime 0.12 2021-09-28 [?] RSPM
#> P miniUI 2018-05-18 [?] RSPM (R 4.4.0)
#> P munsell 0.5.1 2024-04-01 [?] RSPM
#> P pillar 1.9.0 2023-03-22 [?] RSPM
#> P pkgbuild 1.4.4 2024-03-17 [?] RSPM (R 4.4.0)
#> P pkgconfig 2.0.3 2019-09-22 [?] RSPM
#> P pkgload 1.3.4 2024-01-16 [?] RSPM (R 4.4.0)
#> P png 0.1-8 2022-11-29 [?] RSPM
#> P processx 3.8.4 2024-03-16 [?] RSPM
#> P profvis 0.3.8 2023-05-02 [?] RSPM (R 4.4.0)
#> P promises 1.3.0 2024-04-05 [?] RSPM
#> P proxy 0.4-27 2022-06-09 [?] RSPM
#> P ps 1.7.6 2024-01-18 [?] RSPM
#> P purrr 1.0.2 2023-08-10 [?] RSPM
#> P quarto * 1.4 2024-03-06 [?] RSPM
#> P R.cache 0.16.0 2022-07-21 [?] RSPM
#> P R.methodsS3 1.8.2 2022-06-13 [?] RSPM
#> P R.oo 1.26.0 2024-01-24 [?] RSPM
#> P R.utils 2.12.3 2023-11-18 [?] RSPM
#> P R6 2.5.1 2021-08-19 [?] RSPM
#> P raster 3.6-26 2023-10-14 [?] RSPM
#> P Rcpp 1.0.12 2024-01-09 [?] RSPM
#> P remotes 2.5.0 2024-03-17 [?] RSPM (R 4.4.0)
#> P renv 1.0.7 2024-04-11 [?] RSPM (R 4.4.0)
#> P rlang 1.1.3 2024-01-10 [?] RSPM
#> P rmarkdown 2.26 2024-03-05 [?] RSPM
#> P rnaturalearth * 1.0.1 2023-12-15 [?] RSPM
#> P rnaturalearthdata * 1.0.0 2024-02-09 [?] RSPM
#> P rstudioapi 0.16.0 2024-03-24 [?] RSPM
#> P Rttf2pt1 1.3.12 2023-01-22 [?] RSPM
#> P satellite 1.0.5 2024-02-10 [?] RSPM
#> P scales 1.3.0 2023-11-28 [?] RSPM
#> P sessioninfo 1.2.2 2021-12-06 [?] RSPM (R 4.4.0)
#> P sf * 1.0-16 2024-03-24 [?] RSPM
#> P shiny 2024-04-02 [?] RSPM (R 4.4.0)
#> P sp 2.1-4 2024-04-30 [?] CRAN (R 4.4.0)
#> P stringi 1.8.3 2023-12-11 [?] RSPM
#> P stringr 1.5.1 2023-11-14 [?] RSPM
#> P styler * 1.10.3 2024-04-07 [?] RSPM
#> P terra 1.7-71 2024-01-31 [?] RSPM
#> P tibble 3.2.1 2023-03-20 [?] RSPM
#> P tidyselect 1.2.1 2024-03-11 [?] RSPM
#> P tinytex 0.50 2024-03-16 [?] RSPM
#> P units 0.8-5 2023-11-28 [?] RSPM
#> P urlchecker 1.0.1 2021-11-30 [?] RSPM (R 4.4.0)
#> P usethis 2.2.3 2024-02-19 [?] RSPM (R 4.4.0)
#> P utf8 1.2.4 2023-10-22 [?] RSPM
#> P vctrs 0.6.5 2023-12-01 [?] RSPM
#> P withr 3.0.0 2024-01-16 [?] RSPM
#> P xfun 0.43 2024-03-25 [?] RSPM
#> P xtable 1.8-4 2019-04-21 [?] RSPM (R 4.4.0)
#> P yaml 2.3.8 2023-12-11 [?] RSPM
#> [1] /tmp/Rtmp84z1b8/renv-use-libpath-25ad1961f0a959
#> [2] /tmp/Rtmp84z1b8/renv-sandbox
#> P ── Loaded and on-disk path mismatch.
#> ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────